Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

In Love With LIFE

It is hard to contain the life force flowing through me in this moment. Feeling so alive! And where am I?


Living Just As I Am

I realize how much I have depended on context for my life to have meaning. Family, church, school, career, … now jump out of the cultural context nest…


I Am Not a Teacher!

I find I am not drawn to teaching. Rather I am drawn to exploration, research, applied research, applied spirituality, applied Pathwork, if you please!


Growing Through the Pains of Leadership

Fully showing up, naked as it were, means that not only my talents are visible but also my faults and foibles, things I do not want to see in myself.


Leading from Presence

In sitting with the idea of surrendered leadership from my previous post, I realized that surrendered leadership is in fact Leading from Presence


In Over My Head

I felt satisfaction and joy as we adjourned … But in the hours and days after this event a heaviness came upon me. It is one thing to MC an event, but quite another to play a leadership role in our Helper Community.


Passion, Not Product!

I am passionate about many things spiritual and psychological, about insights and new experiences. Then when my enthusiasm is not shared, I am disappointed. …


Growth Through Diversity

Today I was in the agony of this diversity. …The material that I had created that tied many ideas together for me did just the opposite for them. It was too complicated, it was rigid, it was wrong in so many ways, not at all how they saw things. … I had a number of options.


Facing Competitiveness

…Suddenly I could feel my jealousy, my need to be recognized as being competent, superior, and even top dog. These feelings began to take me down and turn my “oh so wonderful day” into a bust.


Avoiding What I Long For

In my early fifties, after a satisfying career, family life, church life, and adequate status in my stable social structure, I was arrested by a feeling of emptiness. … I did not know it at first, but what I was looking for was love.

