Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

Delivery from Ego

I could see so much of my life has been about saying YES to things where the true me would have said NO. This applied to key relationships, to church and church activities, and to many roles in other organizations. I was always caught by form and my ego attached its identity to that form.


Surprised by Joy

For several days I have been wrestling with organizing activities for the Sevenoaks Helper Community, some 28 of us. As with any group, there are lots of challenges. And I have my patterns of pushing my ideas or collapsing into despair when my ideas are not accepted.


Overcoming Fear of God

The past few days I have been anxious and nervous. Pat was shocked! To her I seem focused and clear in my life.


Whom Do I Trust?

As a young lad I trusted the justice of Life. Be a good, performing, obedient boy, good things happen. Be a bad boy, God or Life or Dad or the teacher or Society would punish. It was a kind of reward/punish sense of life. It was comfortable. I got the rules. They seemed to work.


Wrestling With Jesus Christ

The phrase, “Personal relationship with Jesus Christ,” has always been a phrase I have struggled with. …


Going Through the Motions?

In meditation and conversations with Pat this morning I could see a pattern in me of going through the motions of being on an intense spiritual path, Pathwork in my case, purportedly to reach greater consciousness and fulfillment in living but perhaps not really having any intention of waking up and experiencing greater consciousness, fulfillment, and happiness.


Just Aware

Sitting in front of Ed, my therapist. Silence. Awareness of the ever-present tension in my belly arises. I choose to hold it tenderly. I do not judge the tension with, “If I had my act together I would have no tension; obviously I’m messed up, my anxiety proves it.” I let go of the shame of not knowing. I can hold the tension.


Entering Mental Lostness

No answers here. No answers needed. Just be in this sea of lostness. Yes, settle in, snuggle up.


Beyond Intimacy

Today I see yesterday’s writing as not quite complete. Intimacy alone is not enough. Or rather perhaps, intimacy must be more carefully defined. Intimacy can be mental and even involve talking about emotions without being in and feeling the emotions I am talking about. It seems that true intimacy involves connecting from the felt sense of the emotions we feel.


Family Objects

I’ve been taking in family experiences of others these days. In a few cases I’m struck by a kind of family belonging feeling among these family members I observe. And for the first time I recognize the unfamiliarity of this family-belonging feeling in my own growing up.

