Accepting What Is — My Anxiety, Faults, Masks, Limitations, Etc.
In recent mornings I have been aware of anxiety in me, even a mild depression. So it is not surprising that in reading an article by Daniel Smith, Nothing to Do but Embrace the Dread (here embracing his dread of his persistent anxiety) in yesterday’s edition of the New York Times, I could not help but think of my experiences and how Pathwork supports me. (open article) I thought, almost out loud, “This article by Daniel Smith is ‘in praise of’ Pathwork” (as well as in praise of other spiritual paths), and, in particular, in praise of Moira Shaw’s 50-50 Work© — accepting our being “merely and utterly human,” accepting fully our limitations and taking responsibility for our lives.
Yes, I wrestle with my anxiety, my faults, my masks – this wrestling is, afterall, the work of spiritual development, but less and less do I do battle against them, or even enter the vicious circle by battling against the battle against the battle against my anxieties, faults, masks, etc. … My passion rises when these insights and corroborations from other quarters happen, even in the New York Times. I just want to scream, “Yes! I am on the path of spiritual growth, AND so are a lot of others.”
For a description of Moira’s 50-50 Work©, open here. To Open Erena Bramos’ version of Moira’s Soul’s Journey chart, open here. To open the NYT article (and other of Daniel Smith’s articles on anxiety) open here. To link to Daniel Smith’s book on the subject, Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety, open here.
Shared with love, Gary