Gary's Blog

This blog contains reflections from my journal. I am always interested in where others are in their lives in these matters of the soul, so if you are moved to share, please do so. Simply go to the Contact page, or leave a comment at the end of any of my entries. Meanwhile, blessings on your journey.

Below are links to the ten most recent entries. To view more, use the pagination menu at the bottom of each listing page.

A Sound of Sheer Silence

On Friday (4/19/24), in Allen’s ICN morning meditation offering, Allen introduced the perspective that meditation is a secret communication between God and us. This spawned the following reflection…  A Sound of Sheer Silence In meditation we gain insights,                                  …


Exploring the ICN WeSpace Experience

What is an Integral Christian Network (ICN) WeSpace experience all about? This week Luke and Paul (cofounders of ICN) began a Saturday writing series on ICN WeSpace Groups. The first article in the series was titled Why We Need the “We.” I welcome this series, seeing it as an opportunity for me to approach the…


Discovering the Heart’s Way of Knowing

The new theme this week in ICN’s Allen Bourque’s daily meditation group has been activating witness consciousness from the heart…relating to our experience from the heart as an organ of knowing. Allen noted that the heart’s experience of knowing would allow us to experience the heart’s way of knowing God, a knowing of God apart…


Advent Joy

During the past two weeks I have been drawn into a deep dive into the works of Ilea Delio, Diarmuid O’Murcho, Beatrice Bruteau, Teilhard de Chardin, and even a new book from David Bentley Hart (his 2022 You are Gods: On Nature and Supernature – way over my head theologically and philosophically but conceptually inspiring)….


Inner Experience of Being Christ/Jesus/God in the World

This longer-than-normal blog has been under construction for several weeks as I dance with opening to mystical awakening being graced upon me. My journey parallels that of Luke Healy that he has been sharing in his weekly blogs, especially now his series of ICN articles, begun 7/8/23 titled, Whole-Body Mystical Presencing (e.g., 7/15/23 – Is…


Experiences of “Let Go, Let God”

My first blog entries in the pages of my website began in April 2009. One of these April entries, posted April 9, 2009, was titled “Finding Happiness.” Thus began an uninterrupted 8-year daily reflections in some 400 blog entries of my personal and spiritual journey of “Wrestling, Growth, and Discovery” – the byline of my…


I Am a Follower of Jesus

A few months ago, while reading (and listening to on Audible) The Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus by Neil Douglas-Klotz, I suddenly realized that IF I had been in the company of Jesus during his ministry I would have become a follower of Jesus. In fact, I felt CERTAIN that I would have become a…


Insistence of Mystery

What has relentlessly pulled me forward into my lifelong pursuit of spirituality, theology, philosophy, cosmology, psychology, and the like? What now draws me to the writings of the Mystics? In today’s morning meditation, after yesterday being introduced to The Insistence of God: A Theology of Perhaps by John D. Caputo in a dynamic conversation with…


Anxious, Human, and Happy

Fifteen years ago or so I had a session with a psychotherapist who, after having worked with me for a number of months, gave me her final diagnosis, “Gary you have Anxiety Not Otherwise Specified.” She added, “For insurance purposes we have a diagnostic code for that disease, and plenty of drugs to prescribe!” Whoa!…


Lessons From The School of Life — a View From Age 75

Note: This is the second writing – the “four-page” version of what I wrote but chose not to share in the August 25th meeting of my writing group. The first writing that I did share with the writing group on August 25th was posted earlier and should be read first to have the context for…

